Once you get a golf handicap, you pay the Affiliated Member Green Fee rate. At some courses the Green Fees will be even less, as we will be accessing reduced rates on your behalf.
The golfing nuts behind The Wanderers know there are many golfers who do not play enough to warrant being a member of a traditional Golf Club and who would like to be part of a golfing family and have a golf handicap. So we have done something about it.
The coaching staff are contracted PGA professionals, well known in the golfing community for their excellence and golfing knowledge.
For more information, you can contact us anytime at club@wanderersgolf.co.nz
Roger Simmons
Roger is the fellow behind The Wanderers. A past Board member and Captain of a prominent Club, Rog has a vision that every person who plays golf is part of the golfing community at a price in keeping with the amount they play. A one-time single figure handicapper, he plays once or twice a week and hovers around a 12 handicap.
When you join The Wanderers you also join Martinborough Golf Club as a bonafide member.
The Wanderers Golf Club consists of an Incorporated Society, The Wanderers Golf Club Incorporated, and its contracted management company, The Wanderers Management Limited.
The golfing activities are undertaken through The Wanderers Golf Club Inc. The trading activities are undertaken by The Wanderers Management Ltd. Collectively they are known as The Wanderers Golf Club.
EMail club@wanderersgolf.co.nz
Mail PO Box 38 272, Wellington
Location Wellington, New Zealand
Phone +64 21 650 296
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